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Re: Are we a standards committee?

1995-01-13 11:27:00
        >    Agreeing to pass the most recent edit of the MIME/PEM document
        >       along to Proposed Standard.

        According to Jim, this may need some more work. I certainly
        agree that to whatever extent the certification policies are
        described, it would make sense to remove them and refer to a
        single common document.

        With respect to the issue of key selectors, I'll be happy to
        work with Amanda to review and edit this portion. Perhaps I've
        misstated something, or called something by the wrong name, as I
        haven't reread the spec in a couple of weeks.

Well, actually, to be precise about the intent of my message, Jim
believes there is no further work to be done and the documents should be
advanced as put forth.

However, since we're in the process of preparing a final revised
document (editorial changes only), if anyone has any suggestions or
comments, which include specific text to add or remove, now is the time
to get them to the authors.


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