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Re: Are we a standards committee?

1995-01-14 15:11:00
I have just received private mail that makes me think that my previous
assessment of the proposal was completely wrong. As such, all of my postings
this line are based on what turns out to be a step we're not taking, and are
best ignored. This includes my previous reply to this message.


I received this message and your previous reply only moments before my lengthy
message that tried to assess the reasons you had for taking the position you

Obviously I welcome any opportunity for you to rethink your position, And
equally obviously my attempts to put words in your mouth to explain your
previous position may become "non-operative" if that position was based on a
misunderstanding somewhere.

I'm glad I didn't burn any more bridges, and I apologize for some comments that
verged on the intemperate last night. I confess that you got under my skin a
bit. It was a long day.

I can hardly wait to hear more, but I do reserve the right to watch the
football game tomorrow before reading or responding!


Robert R. Jueneman
GTE Laboratories
40 Sylvan Road
Waltham, MA 02254
FAX: 1-617-466-2603 
Voice: 1-617-466-2820

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