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Re: Random e-mail names

1995-01-16 19:44:00
Just out of curiosity, what is the reason for having such a gadget?  Is it 
an amusing hack, as I assumed at first, or is there some deeper purpose, for
example to send semi-anonymous mail to the Suggestion department, etc.?

We happen to have a database that contains several thousand names in it drawn
from all sorts of sources, along with a query utility you can use to find out
what names you don't understand mean. Each day names are picked from within a
particular "theme". For example, today's theme is Science Fiction, so the name
it selected for me is "Chinger" which I happen to remember is from Harry
Harrison's "Star Smasher's of the Galaxy Rangers",  Yesterday it was Javert --
the theme then was Victor Hugo. And so on.

We simply coupled this existing facility to email personal names at one point
as an amusement.


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