
Re: question from novice

2002-08-11 13:51:26
On Sat, Aug 10, 2002 at 03:19:36PM -0400, liuman33 wrote:
Dear Professor :

I wonder how many of us here are really professors. :-)

For the Web to be truly "World-Wide", Internationalization (I18n) of Web
Applications is necessary. That is, we need to make Web Applications
available in as many natural languages used around the world as possible.
*1.How can a company, who has branches around the world, benefit from I18n?
*2.For example, what should a company whose headquarters are in
Canada do to "internalize" their Web Site for consumers in China
with minimal expense and effort?
*3.What steps should it take?
*4.Does I18n automatically mean that all content needs to be reengineered?
*5.What are the obstacles to I18n?
*6.What is the role of Unicode in I18n?

For theoretical and standard-related discussions, one of the canonical
resources is -- The W3C
Internationalization Activity Statement.

A while ago, Brian King discussed the Mozilla I18N project in "Localising the
Lizard" at
which introduces and other related technologies
in localizing a web application platform.

For Unicode's role,
and its links (also backlinks) may provide technical grounds.

In you may find my recent paper and slides
dealing with exactly these questions, although focusing on Perl-related

Hope that helps,

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