
Re: Unicode aware module

1999-06-13 12:19:00
On Sun, Jun 13, 1999 at 12:50:02PM -0600, Tom Christiansen wrote:
I was discussing what Sarathy said, and that I do not understand his
usage of "byte".  Since you did not say anything on this thread - yet,
I have no problem with *you* using this word - yet.  ;-)

A byte has come to be a standard, eight-bit unit of memory storage,
sometimes referred to as octet.  I don't understand how there can be
any question here.

We are discussing Perl here, not C.  In Perl, there is no access to
memory storage, so at best a usage of such terms is misleading.  Perl
works in much higher terms, like "number" or "string".

Now please reread what I wrote.  Perl strings are not sequences of
bytes any more (as they were in 5.005).  With the current
implementation of UTF-8 it is misleading, since wideness" is attached
to the code, not the data.  My argument is that attaching wideness to
data instead of the code we can make wideness *transparent* without
sacrifying performance for the operations which do not *require*

Then the absense of a global utf8 switch becomes an optimization only
- all the program work exactly the same (or better ;-) with the
addition of a global-utf8 switch.

[Here 'or better' means that they die in rarer situations: say,
 without utf8 \x{FFF} is a fatal error.]


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