
PICU: Perl wrappers for ICU

2000-09-13 08:04:00
(the goal:)
I've started putting a Perl wrapper around the IBM 
International Components for Unicode (ICU) library.
(see the end of this email for more details)

(about me:)
I've done internationalization (i18n) for a while but
I'm just learning ICU.  I have done plenty of Perl but 
I am new to Xs.

(current plan:)
For the first pass I intend to just make the standard
ICU C++ api available to Perl. This way I will learn
ICU and Xs.  Perhaps at a later it can used more directly 
in Perl.  At this point I know that I don't have enough 
experience  with Xs or ICU to make architectural 

(the request:)
I always try to start a new type of project by
following other persons good work. Since I'm not a Xs

    Could I get some recommendations for a Xs wrapper
    around a C++ library to emulate; eg: Gtk, 


Brian Stell

(from the ICU intro page:

The International Components for Unicode (ICU) is a C and 
C++ library that provides robust and full-featured Unicode 
support on a wide variety of platforms. The library

    Calendar support
    Character set conversions
    Collation (language-sensitive)
    Date & time formatting
    Locales (140+ supported)
    Message catalogs (resources) 
    Message formatting 
    Number & currency formatting
    Time zones
    Word, line & sentence breaks