
Re: ICU's uconv vs Linux iconv and UTF-8

2002-02-01 08:57:40
Jarkko Hietaniemi <jhi(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> writes:
Linux iconv will not take ICU's UTF-8.
ICU's uconv will read the iconv output but does produce same as original

   So far as I see Linux iconv is ascii-preservative while ICS's is
   From Perl's point of view ASCII preservative should be default.


Well as a non CJK native it seems to me that it would make sense if
\ and ~ as normally seen on a European's screen mapped to same Unicode
code point as the characters normally used in japan for that.

So if I say "C:\Foo" in my perl and "translate" to euc-jp it should not
change! - Dan will _see_ C:\xA5Foo - but he is used to that. Where as
if it gets mapped to the thing that looks like a '\' then OS may not
see it as a directory separator.

Nick Ing-Simmons