
Re: ANNOUNCE: Unicode::Collate::allkeys v

2003-05-14 16:30:07

On Wed, 14 May 2003 14:55:40 -0400
Ben Bennett <fiji(_at_)ayup(_dot_)limey(_dot_)net> wrote:

It is avaliable from

Sorry about the silly version number but I want the version to track
that of the Unicode allkeys.txt file and then I needed some more bits
to stash the rev of the module in (in case I need to rev it separately
to the main thing).

Anyway, it doesn't do anything sophisticated to allow the user to
automatically get a new version of the file.  I may do that in a later

An open issue is that it overwrites allkeys.  I propose a small patch
to Unicode::Collate to fix that problem.  Basically it adds a new file
customkeys.txt that will allow users to specify a site-wide tailoring
that all code using Unicode::Collate will automatically use unless
they have overriden the tailoring explicitly.  customkeys.txt is
preferred to allkeys.txt if customkeys.txt is present.  If this seems
reasonable I can provide the requisite doc patches.

How is about backward compatibility?
And I'm afraid since "customkeys.txt" is not a "8.3" name.


--- ../Unicode-Collate-0.24/  2003-04-03 09:50:48.000000000
+++  2003-05-14 14:49:48.000000000 -0400
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 (our $Path = $INC{'Unicode/'}) =~ s/\.pm$//;
 our $KeyFile = "allkeys.txt";
+our $CustomKeyFile = "customkeys.txt";
@@ -261,7 +262,7 @@
     my $self = bless { @_ }, $class;
     # If undef is passed explicitly, no file is read.
-    $self->{table} = $KeyFile if ! exists $self->{table};
+    $self->{table} = '' if ! exists $self->{table};
     $self->read_table if defined $self->{table};
     if ($self->{entry}) {
@@ -291,9 +292,20 @@
 sub read_table {
     my $self = shift;
-    my $file = $self->{table} ne '' ? $self->{table} : $KeyFile;
+    my $file = $self->{table};
+    # Try the following in order:
+    #  - The user specified file
+    #  - The site customized file (customkeys.txt)
+    #  - The default unicode file (allkeys.txt)
     my $filepath = File::Spec->catfile($Path, $file);
+    if ($file eq '') {
+       foreach $file ($KeyFile, $CustomKeyFile) {

This code prefers $KeyFile to $CustomKeyFile, doesn't it?

+           $filepath = File::Spec->catfile($Path, $file);
+           last if -f $filepath;
+       }
+    }
     open my $fk, "<$filepath"
        or croak "File does not exist at $filepath";
