
Re: question

2003-05-16 09:30:12
On Friday, May 16, 2003, at 02:32  AM, Mark J. Reed wrote:
MR  = Mark REED  (me)
ST  = SADAHIRO Tomoyuki

MR> Has anyone implemented UTF-7 within Encode yet?  I noticed
MR> it doesn't come with 5.8 by default, and thought I would check before
MR> implementing it myself.

DK> You are right. Encode does not have UTF-7 since I reckoned virtually
DK> no one is using it :)

My name's No-One.  Virtually No-One.  :)

Okay, at least Mark "No-One" REED, at least we have a UTF-7 user here. But just for curiosity's sake, what do you use it for?

DK> And so far as I see there is no CPANized module
DK> that does that.

ST> Unicode::String has ->utf7() method for UTF-7.

Thank you both!  I appreciate the help.  U::S->utf7() is sufficient
for my needs, but would it still be worthwhile to implement
an Encode module for UTF-7?

Frankly I do not object to adding support for UTF-7. Though I (can not|have no intention to) add new encodings after encodings just because it is there, UTF-7, though hardly ever used, is a UTF. jhi has recently looked around if there is any more interesting encodings that Encode should support but he told me "nothing interesting". I think I can squeeze UTF-7 support in the next release.

One of the reasons I procrastinated from adding UTF-7 support was that I had no raw UTF-7 data to compare to and no application to see the result of. Now that I know Unicode::String supports that I feel more obliged to add the support.

But before I commit the release I will definitely release a patch here so "no one" like you can test it. So be my (alpha|beta) tester, please.

Dan the Encode Maintainer