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Re: kernel lock failed

1995-11-20 16:01:42
At 10:52 95-11-20, Jon Granrose wrote:
I'm getting kernel lock failed
errors fairly regularly (several times a week) here at Netcom and as far as

"|IFS=' ' && exec /usr/local/nuglops/bin/procmail -f- || exit 75 #odin"

The version of procmail you're using has fcntl() locking enabled, which I'm
not sure is correct for netcom.  (The prior nuglops versions of procmail
did *not* use it.  Neither does my private copy.)

Contact the contributor, doctor(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com, with this information.  I
believe he should recompile it with fcntl() disabled.  However, I still
don't understand non dotlocking locking strategies, especially in presence
of NFS volumes, so I'm posting this to the list for corrections!

Hal Wine <hal(_at_)dtor(_dot_)com>     voice: 510/482-0597

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