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Re: Utility to maintain user addresses

1995-12-13 23:05:21

On Thu, 14 Dec 1995, John T Ellis wrote:

To all,
Hi.  I'm using the attached recipe to grab the user id and user name from
my incoming messages.  As can be expected, this file is getting large since
I do nothing with respect to duplicate user ids.  I was wondering if anyone
out there was also grabbing user ids and if so, what utility(ies) you used
to maintain that file.

----- Begin Recipe -----

 Grab the mail id for all mail messages that come to me.  Ignore
# POSTMASTER, DAEMON and my own mail.
* !^From.*ellis
| formail -zx From: | gzip >>/home/beijing2/ellis/misc/user_addresses.gz

Here's what I use...strictly for userid/e-mail addresses left justified
into a plain text file:

        | formail -rtzxTo: >>$HOME/procmail/userid.log

I think the -rtzxTo: came from David Tamkin or Alan Stebbins or Hal Wine :-)

You can purge out duplicates with a perl script, etc.


Eric Hilding

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