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Re: Questions on syntax

1995-12-18 07:47:50
But I'm stuck on a few problems.  I know a shell script would be easier, 
but I wanted to try to do it all with procmail.

  this is not always the appropriate thing to do.  I would advise
against it.  Write a shell script. 

Q) When procmail writes to a directory and creates a unique filename, is 
there an easy way to get the file name?  Currently, I'm using:
  Sure.  The LASTFOLDER variable.
  # Write out filtered message to unique file name in archive directory

  Use lockfiles!!!!

Q) My .procmailrc file is really more of a script at this point.  It does
a number echos, directory listings, and file copies that should be all
completed before .procmail processes another message.  This seems like a 
good use for a lock file.  I try, for example: 
  Use a global lockfile:


Q) I want to purge old archived messages when the total archive uses too 
much disk space.  But I can't seem to get the disk space used into a var.

  BLOCKS_USED=`du`              <<-- this works,
  BLOCKS_USED=$BLOCKS_USED[1]   <<-- but this creates a null string???

  Sure.  Not Bourne shell syntax.  use awk! (how will be left as an
exercise to the reader.

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