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Re: Procmail and Pine

1996-01-02 14:43:43
This might not be exactly on topic here but how can I get pine or 
procmail to tell me when I log in that I have mail in other folders, 
other than my INBOX, I have set up 4 other folders for incoming mail and 
would like to know if something is there with out having to start pine 
and got to the folders either with L or TAB.???

I filter my mail into boxes named ":<listname>" (i.e.; :procmail,
:wonderland, etc.) in my mail directory, A perl script walks through all
files in that directory that are named this way, counting messages in each
file and reporting how many are unread, to wit:

   <Mail:210 exotica:31/29 klf:152/28 orb:1 xm:53/53 ztt:22/1>

"Mail" is my default mailbox, with 210 messages, all read; I have 31
messages from the exotica mailing list with 29 unread, etc.  I also have a
shell alias such that "read <listname>" launches elm with the proper
folder set as the target.

If anyone's interested in the perl script at the heart of this I'll clean
it up and post it here.

::: Lazlo (lazlo(_at_)swcp(_dot_)com;

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