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Re: mini-mailing list?

1996-02-27 18:57:37
On Tue, 27 Feb 1996, Monee C. Kidd wrote:

Can someone tell me how to set up a recipe that forwards a copy of a piece
of mail to a list of addresses? I know how to set up something like:

Here's what I've used previously...

  * !^X-List: COREPUG
  | formail -A "X-List: COREPUG" \
        -I "Reply-To: COREPUG <brozen(_at_)netvoyage(_dot_)net>" \
        -I "To: COREPUG <brozen(_at_)netvoyage(_dot_)net> \
        -A"Precedence: bulk" \
        -A"X-Loop: $COMSAT" \

      ! -oi `cat /var/tmp/src/power-users.list`

The mail would have to be addressed to MY address like this:

        CORE <brozen(_at_)netvoyage(_dot_)net>

It would send it to all addresses listed in power-users.list in this format:


Fairly crude, but I haven't used it for awhile and I don't remember what 
the problems with it were (all basic problems were worked out). But, it 
does the job...

I know there are other ways this can be done...I can already see one 
(change the last line where it uses cat to use a form of ! instead)

 | Brock Rozen | brozen(_at_)netvoyage(_dot_)net | | 
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