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Re: Dealing with sendmail bugs

1996-03-02 00:54:17

I think the other alternative means to forward your mail to
an account on a machine that doesn't have the bug and you can
have procmail in your .forward. The .forward to accomplish this
forwarding is just a line with the address of the other acccount
on the other machine.

A 3rd solution is to get the admin to get a patch from the vendor
for the current sendmail you have. This would be an option for
them that is much less of a problem for the admin than upgrading
the version of sendmail.

  I am in the situation described in the FAQ:

14. When sending mail to someone with procmail in his/her .forward I sometim
   get back an error saying: "Cannot mail directly to programs."

  There are two solutions offered, the first (obviously) is to upgrade the
 version of sendmail.  Unfortunately, our rather shortsighted admin wont do
 this, the other alternative is to "make sure that your sendmail always
 forwards to a mailserver first".  How is this done?


 -- Alex Whittaker ------------- ------------------------------------------
| Biomedical Informatics Unit   |            |
| Imperial Cancer Research Fund | alex(_at_)biu(_dot_)icnet(_dot_)uk          
| London, WC2A 3PX.             | |
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