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Re: formail -D like option to limit mailbox size

1996-03-16 12:45:57
Mark Bynum wondered about some procmailrc code I wrote:

| I have several questions, interspersed through the recipe.

| >   :0
| >   * conditions
| >   { FOLDERNAME=wherever
| >     LOCKFILE=$FOLDERNAME.lock # needs regional lockfile
| >     MAXLETTERS=put_your_number_here
| > 
| >     :0c
| Everything is understandable up to here.


| >   # XTRAIN includes the incoming letter:
| >     XTRAIN=`formail -I'From x' -z -x'From ' -s < $FOLDERNAME`
| What I believe the above line does is insert a "From x" header into each
| message, and then extract what is after the "From " (which is x) from
| each message and put all of them in XTRAIN. In effect, this counts
| the number of messages in the mailbox. Is this right?

Yes.  $XTRAIN will consist of a list of x's, separated by newlines, one x
for each letter in the folder, with a trailing newline after the last x.

| >     :0hicw
| Why do we generate a carbon copy here, this is the only recipe that
| we want this message to operate on. Also why do we wait for the exitcode
| of the command, it seems we don't do anything with it?

Because I missed something in editing a simple recipe into a brace nest.
"h", "i", and "w" are meaningless when the action is "{", and "c" is
incorrect because we've already saved the one backup copy we want; we don't
want to launch a clone after all.  So yes, Mark, it should be just :0 and
nothing more.

| >     * 1^1 XTRAIN ?? x
| >     * $ -$MAXLETTERS^0
| >     { EXCESS = $=
| I am going to make EXCESS a static number, say 50, where MAXLETTERS is 75.
| This will hopefully not tax the mail server as much, such as for every
| message over 75.

No, no, you can't make $EXCESS a static number.  It has to be calculated
each time based on how many letters are in the folder.

| What I believe the lines above did is generate a score of how many x's are
| in XTRAIN (i.e. how many messages are in FOLDERNAME), subtract MAXLETTERS
| from it, then if positive do what is inside the braces.

Right.  But if the score is zero or negative, go past that set of braces and
sink to /dev/null.

| >       :0fwi
| >       | formail +$EXCESS -s < $FOLDERNAME
| This skips EXCESS messages from FOLDERNAME. Why not only feed the header
| to the pipe, wouldn't this help because we don't do anything with the
| input coming from procmail? We don't need the whole message right?

If we feed only the header, then the `f' flag will replace only the header.
An extra copy of the body of the original incoming message will get tacked
onto the foot of output of formail.  So the `h' flag is poison there.  We
need to replace both head and body of the incoming message with the output
of formail.

| >       :0r
| >       | cat > $FOLDERNAME
| >     }

| We have the r flag, because formail already made sure the mail ends with an
| empty line.

No.  We have the `r' flag because the output of formail in the preceding 
filter recipe will have a number of occurrences of '^From ', and we don't
want procmail to escape them to '>From '.  We *want* them to appear as
starts of new messages in the rewritten folder.

| >     :0h
| >     /dev/null

| I have no idea why this is here. The processing is done, correct?

It's there in case $EXCESS was zero or negative.  We've already appended the
incoming message to $FOLDERNAME, so we want to sink it if we don't need to
trim the folder.

| >     LOCKFILE # just in case of fall-through
| >   }

I'm overcautious there.  If there is fall-through after a dump to /dev/null,
you have trouble much worse than a leftover regional lockfile.

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