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Re: Another question about recipes

1996-04-15 14:23:20
Stan Ryckman <stanr(_at_)sunspot(_dot_)tiac(_dot_)net> writes:

[recipe involving '!' action with multiple addresses]

But won't your suggestion result in a "To:" header with all of
the recipients in it?  IMHO, mailing lists shouldn't gratuitously
reveal the names of their subscribers.

The '!' action, being just a pipe to sendmail, doesn't modify the
headers in any way.  If you did want to put in the various headers
then you would want to pipe the message through formail.  For instance,
to still hide the addresses, but at least mark the message with "Resent-*"
headers, you could say:

| formail -I"Resent-To: this mailing list: ;" | $SENDMAIL -oi `cat addresses`

sendmail will add appropriate Resent-From, -Date, and -Message-Id headers.

Philip Guenther

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