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Re: Procmail hangs on MIME attachments

1996-05-03 18:34:03
John Bozsony <jbozsony(_at_)neptune(_dot_)net> writes:
We are running procmail 3.10 as our local mailer on a SunOS 4.1.4
sparc 20. Several times, I've noticed procmail just hangs when
processing a message with a large (over 1Mbyte) MIME attachment.
The last one was from a Mac (is this a hint?). Does anyone have
any ideas on what I can do? Thanks!

What do the verbose logs say when you turn them on?  Could the machine
be running out of swap?  Procmail does keep the message in memory, and
if you use a filter recipe (the 'f' flag) then it has to fork a copy to
'catch' the filter output and feed it back to the parent, such that it
can take up to 3 (I think) times the message size to do a filter.

Philip Guenther

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