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Handling multiple domains

1996-06-10 12:46:45
I want to setup a single computer to act as if it were several different
companies.  I want mail to be able to come in to user(_at_)companya(_dot_)com 
to user(_at_)companyb(_dot_)com(_dot_) (the same user) This is easy I think.  
Sendmail will
handle this.  The trick I want is that when mail comes in to
user(_at_)companya(_dot_)com, I want it to go out as 
user(_at_)companya(_dot_)com(_dot_)  And likewise
for  I would like it to be the same username, but I guess
if it's impossible to do it this way, I could make it different user names.

Can Procmail do this for me?  If so, how.

If you need any more information please drop me a note.  I'm trying to
get this working ASAP.  Our ips isn't the greatest and currently we are
not getting email that comes in to one of our company names.  Bummer.



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