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Re: Multiple commands on split

1996-07-29 10:26:53
Jim Osborn <jimo(_at_)eskimo(_dot_)com> wrote:
Maybe the heat has melted my brain, but I can't seem to get formail
to perform a series of commands on each mail that it's split from
a folder. Here's an example of a simple debugging attempt:

formail -s addr=`formail -X From: | formail -r | formail -zx To`;\
   echo "$addr" >>output

If you insist on doing it from the command line, this would have
been the syntax for the construction you attempted:

echo `formail -s sh -c 'formail -X From: | formail -r | formail -zx To:' `

FWIW, the goal of this little effort is to extract the From: address
from a SmartList envelope and send each such address a form note.

formail -s formail -X From:

However, if it's this functionality you're looking for (and you are certain
that the mails are coming from a well-behaved mailinglist (like SmartList)),
then we can do it all in one:

echo `formail -IResent- -t -r -z -x To: -s `


echo `formail -IResent- -trzx To: -s `

for short.
           Stephen R. van den Berg (AKA BuGless).

Father's Day Special at the local clinic -- Vasectomy!

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