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:(, sigh, it's me again.

1996-10-07 16:24:27

        ok, guys, here is my situation.
        I got certain mail comes in to admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)com, which I need 
forward it to admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)net, then I need to save it to a file and 
use a 
perl script to work on that file. What I have accomplished so far is that 
if i directly mail it to admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)net, everything works. If i 
mail it 
to admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)com, the mail did get forwared to 
admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)net, but the 
.procmailrc in admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)net did not operate on that mail at all. 
is that? they have the same from: as far as I can tell.
        here is what's in admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)com
SHELL=/bin/sh    # for other shells, this might need adjustment
* ^From.yan*
:0 c mytest.lock
! admin(_at_)core1(_dot_)wwisp(_dot_)net

here is what's in admin(_at_)wwisp(_dot_)net(_dot_)

* ^From.yan*

:0a: mytest.lock
| ( close /usr/home/admin/yantemp; /usr/home/admin/test1;)

so what's the deal? ok, one more thing, is lock file just an empty file? 
or do I suppose to put anything in there?


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  • :(, sigh, it's me again., yan <=