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keeping and updating database of names

1996-10-30 10:14:33

This is _very_ simple

# just the email address
SENDER=`formail -rtzxTo:`

# a list of every email address which has ever sent me mail

# if they are not in the file already, ignoring caps
* ! ? grep -iw "$SENDER" "$NAMES"
        # send their address to the names file
        |/bin/echo "$SENDER" >> $NAMES
        # send me a message telling me they were just added
        |(/bin/echo "Sender \`$SENDER' added to $NAMES" | \
           Mail -s "New Email Address added: $SENDER" luomat)

It is the "send me a message" part that is giving me trouble.

All I want it a little note saying:

Subject: New Email Address added: someone(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com

Sender someone(_at_)somewhere(_dot_)com added to   
that doesn't seem to hard, but I get a "From: " line that looks  
like this:

From: To: "luomat(_at_)nerc(_dot_)com Subject: Re: test References:  
<199610301659(_dot_)LAA04459(_at_)nerc(_dot_)com> In-Reply-To:  
<199610301659(_dot_)LAA04459(_at_)nerc(_dot_)com>" <luomat(_at_)nerc(_dot_)com>

I have been unable to debug this, but I am sure that it is simple.


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