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Re: Mail Files

1996-11-15 07:19:36

I added Applixware to my system, and all of a sudden procmail went bonkers.  
It now keeps renaming my "paul" mail file as  The man file says 
that this won't happen if the file is a good file, owned by a valid user, etc. 
I also tried adding the u+x bit.  This still happens.

What gives?

Paul Matthews

I get these occassionally myself. It usually only happens with people that
use mailtool that have a high rate of incoming mail. I attribute it to
a locking problem. But, since we have different versions of mailtool and
the locking has always sucked, and it only happens to a few people, I've
generally let it slide.

Doug Hughes                                     Engineering Network Services
System/Net Admin                                Auburn University

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