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Help a beginner?

1996-11-19 09:57:55
Hello, all.  I'd state that I'm new to the whole procmail thing, but I
don't think that's necessary since it's going to become painfully obvious
in a moment.

I'm trying to set up a mail server with Sendmail 8.8.2 and procmail 3.10. 
Procmail is currently configured just as it was installed off the Redhat CD
(ie. I've done no customization).  Now, the problem is that mail delivered
to the individual users mailboxes sometimes gets screwed up.  The From
header sometimes becomes FFrom and the next From becomes rom.  I've been
told this is a locking problem.  Now, none of my users have .procmailrc
files and the default install hasn't provided me with a global procmailrc
file either (do I need one if I'm not filtering any mail?).

Running "procmail -v" tells me I'm using the "dotlocking" locking strategy.

Please reply directly to me since I'm sure this problem is too basic to
bother all list members with the solution.  Many thanks.

Devin Redlich

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