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Re: Getting date to use in outputfile

1996-11-27 11:42:02
How would you change this recipe so that in the redirected filename it 
would have something like 'air.level271196'

I don't see why this wouldn't work.  I suppose it doesn't matter than you 
don't have a LOCKFILE as whatever the newest incoming mail is that 
matches this recipe will just CLOBBER the old (if present) file.  That's 
the way you want in right?

        DATE=`date +%d%m%y`

        * ^Subject:.*Air Quality Bulletin
        | /home/dill/isps/src/air/do_level >\

Also, I know it is possible to nest commands on the '|' line so you can 
execute more than one command in a recipe.

The ';' can do that.  And you may need to stick some '('/')' in there 
depending on what you want to do.

BTW where's the documentation for procmail?

In the MAN (manual) pages; it comes with the TARred source for PROCMAIL.

Tim <bodysurf(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>
"Finger" for PGP v2.6.3ia Public Key

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