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Re: Question

1996-12-16 12:20:24
"Blaies, Thomas" <tblaies(_at_)cols(_dot_)disa(_dot_)mil> writes:
I am having trouble formulating a .procmailrc file to:

1.     append a copy of the email to a file
2.     send a copy to another user
3.     finally run the email thru a script .

I have been able to do # 1 and 3 but not   # 2 
Could you please send me an example of this ?

We could probably help you more directly if you had included an example
of what you had tried.  Lacking that, the general form is:

# The 'c' flag tells procmail to send a copy and keep going
:0 c
* whatever conditions on the sending
! whomever(_at_)wher(_dot_)ever

Philip Guenther

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