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Re: autoresponder errors, I want a copy

1997-01-05 14:51:53
Timothy J Luoma wrote:


Strangely enough, that does not seem to be working for me:

*  ^Subject:[         ]send-ascii *\/[^ ].*
* !^Subject:[         ]send-ascii .*[/.]\.

(there's a space and a tab in the first set of [ ])

am I doing something wrong?

You need a "*" after the [      ] set:
  *  ^Subject:[         ]*send-ascii *\/[^ ].*
  * !^Subject:[         ]*send-ascii .*[/.]\.

Remember, "[ab]*" matches any number of a or b characters;
without the * it matches exactly one only.  Since the RFC's
allow zero to any amount of whitespace after the ":" in a
headerfield, it makes sense to match that.

I had a "*" there in the earlier example I posted (and to which
you earlier responded, but I was busy watching the Patriots
roll over the Steelers), but maybe that was the problem there
for you as well.

        * ^Subject: stuff
only matches when there's exactly one space after the ":".
But what about:
        Subject:                        stuff
etc.?  (All legal!)

Now, let's look at your two conditions assuming you get past
the [   ]* issue:  first:
*  ^Subject:[         ]send-ascii *\/[^ ].*
This matches, I think, "send-ascii" followed by zero or more
spaces, followed by a non-space, followed by zero or more
"any character"s.  Why do you want to do that?

The procmailex example that David quoted should lead you to:
        *  ^Subject:[   ]*send-ascii [0-9a-z]
Note it has a *later* test, inside {}, after the "illegal"
names have been skipped, for what will map to:
        *  ^Subject:[   ]*send-ascii \/[^ ].*
and *that* is used to set $MATCH.  If you want to allow
uppercase filenames as well, try:
        *  ^Subject:[   ]*send-ascii [0-9a-zA-Z]
(I'm not sure whether procmail's case-insensitive matches
carry over into [] sets.)

* !^Subject:[         ]send-ascii .*[/.]\.
This excludes "send-ascii " followed by anything followed by
either "/." or "..", which is how it keeps access within
the current directory.  (It loses the capability of sending
names like "" but that's probably no great loss.)

Hope that helps.  I don't have a lot of time to play with this
today, so I disclaim responsibility for any errors in the above :-)


ps - when you say "doesn't seem to be working for me" it
would help if you'd give examples.  I can't even decide if
you think it passes things that should fail, or fails things
it should pass.