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Re: [Procmail] Mail addressed to me

1997-01-16 22:18:36
Hi bts8(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com!  I'm a UNIX administrator and I like to fight 
I've been using the following recipe to filter out mail that is not 
specifically addressed to me:

* !^(To|cc|bcc):(.*[^a-z])?bts8\(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com
        The BCC header isn't necessary, as it gets cut out by the sending 
system's MTA.

This seems to work OK for mail originating outside of netcom but for some 
reason, mail that originates on netcom gets matched by this recipe.  Can 
someone help me improve this?  I think this may have something to do with 
the fact that if I send a message to someone on netcom, I only have to 
put their username.   The mail system adds the "" part for 
me.  Thanks.

        You are correct, if root(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com send you a message, it 
say "From: root" with no domain name following the user name.  You coudl 
set up a recipe like:

* !^(To|cc):(.*[^a-z])?bts8\(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com
* !^(To|cc):.*bts8$

        I obviously changed the expression in the second line, it should 
work fine.


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