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Re: [Procmail] matching subjects with words in []

1997-01-25 19:19:19
Hi jeffrey covey!  I'm a UNIX administrator and I like to fight spam!
i'm on a couple of mailing lists which ask that people start subject
lines with constructs like [MAC] or [ADMIN] to make it easy to sort
out what you're not interested in.  but how do i match on these with
procmail?  the grep manpage led me to believe that if the brackets
were escaped with backslashes, they'd be treated as regular
characters, so i thought \[MAC\] would match [MAC], but that doesn't
see to be the case.

        For whatever reason, you need to enclose the brackets in brackets 
of their own.  Try:



<Doug Muth>--<dmuth(_at_)ot(_dot_)com> - Spam me and die!
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