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Re: Using the -a value in recipies (Answer)

1997-01-27 17:52:32
Philip Guenther is heard to have said:

To quote the procmail(1) manpage:

     -a argument
          This will set $1 to be equal to argument.   It  can  be
          used  to pass meta information along to procmail.  This
          is typically done by passing along the $(_at_)x  information
          from the sendmail mailer rule.


RECIP = $1

should do it.  As for $@, to quote the procmailrc(5) manpage's BUGS

                               ...  When the -a or -m options are
     used, "$@" will expand to respectively the  specified  argu-
     ment (list); but only when passed as in the argument list to
     a program.

How are you using $(_at_)?  Are you quoting it?

Herein lies the key.

I was trying to use $@ because that's what the man page suggested.  I had
started using $1, but it wasn't doing what I wanted it to do.  I had set up
a simple recipe:

|echo $1 >> ~/test

This got me null lines.

I tried:

LOG="This is the recipient '$1'"

That didn't get me the desired result.  Thru a whole series of iterations
and pulling my hair out for the last couple of hours, I ended up with the
following, and it was the "RECIP=$1" that gave it to me! :)



# To send mail to a new userid, copy these lines and remove the #
# Change the "userid" to be the local user to receive mail, such as
# mail for "webmaster".  Change <user(_at_)isp(_dot_)domain(_dot_)tld> to the 
# you want the mail forwarded to.

#* RECIPIENT ?? <userid>@
#! <user(_at_)isp(_dot_)domain(_dot_)tld>


Appearantly it doesn't recognise the form:

* 1 ?? <userid>@

as being equivalent to the above.

The short answer though is my problems' all nice and solved.  Thanks Phil!

   Mike was here...

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