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Re: Simple Bozo-Filter Example? (fwd)

1997-02-05 18:38:32
On Feb 5,  4:32pm -0800, bodysurf(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com (Tim) wrote:

Would you post your sample .forward to the procmail list - we can't 
see it otherwise.

Sorry, I made a couple of ommissions in that example.  Too much "cutting
and pasting" and not enough double-checking :^(.
} "|IFS=' ';p=/usr/local/nuglops/bin/procmail;if test -x $p; then exec $p 
-Yf-; else exec `/usr/bin/ksh -c 'echo ~vjl'`/bin/procmail -Yf-; fi"

[ Above "~/.forward" file courtesy of Philip Guenther: ]

However, this *exact* format will only work on NetCom.  A more generic
example would be:

"|IFS=' '; exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -Yf-"

Don't forget that some sendmails will think they are delivering
duplicates -- and trash same -- unless the expansion of your .forward is
unique, in the case where more than one procmail user at your site is
receiving the same message.

This is why you should put "#yourname" at the end of the .forward,
using your own login name, of course, i.e.,

    "|IFS=' '; exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -Yf- #bodysurf"

in your case.

== Bob