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Re: Simple Bozo-Filter Example? (fwd)

1997-02-12 15:58:41
I started using Tim's absolutely great recipe for bouncing unwanted trash
from spammers and bozos.  After seeing how well it worked, I gave it
to others.  One undergrad, however, created the recipe *without*
adding anything to the killfile (email.killfile, in this case).
This somehow matched all mail coming to the undergrad.

Below is the .forward, the .procmailrc and the log from a test message
that I sent to the undergrad's account.  Is this just going to happen
if the killfile is empty or is there something else wrong?


Dave Robbins

# more .forward .procmailrc email.killfile .procmail/log
"|IFS=' '; exec /usr/local/bin/procmail -Yf- #kellmer"
   FROM=`formail -rzxTo:`
   * ? echo "$FROM" | $EGREP -i -f $HOME/email.killfile
           EXITCODE = 77
           | gzip -fc >> $HOME/.procmail/.headers.gz
procmail: [28568] Wed Feb 12 14:35:16 1997
procmail: Executing "formail,-rzxTo:"
procmail: [28568] Wed Feb 12 14:35:17 1997
procmail: Assigning "FROM=dave"
procmail: Assigning "EGREP=/usr/local/bin/egrep"
procmail: Executing " echo "$FROM" | $EGREP -i -f /ugrad/kellmer/email.killfile"
procmail: [28568] Wed Feb 12 14:35:18 1997
procmail: Match on " echo "$FROM" | $EGREP -i -f /ugrad/kellmer/email.killfile"
procmail: Assigning "EXITCODE=77"
procmail: Locking "/ugrad/kellmer/.procmail/.headers.gz.lock"
procmail: Executing " gzip -fc >> /ugrad/kellmer/.procmail/.headers.gz"
procmail: [28568] Wed Feb 12 14:35:19 1997
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER= gzip -fc >>
procmail: Unlocking "/ugrad/kellmer/.procmail/.headers.gz.lock"
From dave  Wed Feb 12 14:35:16 1997
 Subject: test 4
  Folder:  gzip -fc >> /ugrad/kellmer/.procmail/.headers.gz                 294
procmail: Notified comsat: "kellmer@: gzip -fc >>