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Re: Filtering mail for all users centrally

1997-02-28 10:26:52
"P" == P K SINGH <prabhat(_at_)giasbm01(_dot_)vsnl(_dot_)net(_dot_)in> 

P> Hi all New to procmail and this group.Will any one tell me how to
P> filter out any mail to any of my users having Subject field as
P> "Junk" or From field as "abc(_at_)xyz(_dot_)com"(i can do this one in 
P> but how to do this in procmail).I do not want .procmailrc file or
P> .procmail directory in any individual user's home directory.I want
P> to filter all mails using a central file or files. (probably after
P> defining procmail mailer in sendmail).Is it possible to do the same
P> arrangement for outgoing mails (with Subject: Junk) also. Thanks in
P> advance. PKS

For incoming mail: Define procmail as local delivery agent (in, and create a file /etc/procmailrc . This file will be
read for all incoming mail (Check the man page, I haven't used this
feature myself).

For outgoing mail, you'd have to change the smtp mailer definitions. I
can't help you with that.

Guy Geens <guy(_dot_)geens(_at_)elis(_dot_)rug(_dot_)ac(_dot_)be>
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