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Re: What is the "/no/such/dir" error message mean???

1997-03-05 13:26:20
On Wed, 5 Mar 1997, Philip Guenther wrote:

The eternal question arises: what are you trying to do?

Howdy.  You're right, I didn't really explain it that well when I first put
my email together.  Let me try again.

I want to create an email address without creating a user account.  I want
all mail that is sent to that email address to be handled by procmail.  The
best way I thought of doing that was to include the following line in the
mail.aliases map:

        mcscmail: "| /usr/misc/bin/procmail -m /usr/test/mcsc/etc/procmailrc"

After working through a few different issues, I finally have it setup where
all mail sent to mcscmail is indeed handled correctly.  However, in order
to do this, I needed to use some very weird file permissions/ownerships.
My request to you for comments is regarding the file permission/ownership

Let me recap my file permissions:

  -rw-rw-r--   1 ellis    mcscadm       240 Mar  4 16:52 procmailrc
  -rw-rw----   1 sendmail mcscadm     13162 Mar  4 17:03 log
  -rw-rw----   1 sendmail mcscadm     14921 Mar  4 17:03 mcscmail

  drwxrwsr-x   3 ellis    mcscadm       512 Mar  4 12:21 var/
    drwxrwsr-x   3 ellis    mcscadm       512 Mar  4 12:21 spool/
      drwxrwsr-x   2 ellis    mcscadm       512 Mar  4 13:49 mail/

I'm concerned with sendmail owning a file that has group write
permissions.  I'm also concerned in general with sendmail owning
anything.  So, my question is: "Is there a better (more secure) way to
do what I'm attempting to do?"  Can/should this be done completely
through the file?

A couple of the folks here in IT-land think it might be better to create
a locked user (UID) with no home directory.  This would allow us to have
a mail spool for the UID and forget about issues with sendmail.
However, I believe there must be an easier way to do this only using

Look forward to hearing from you.



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  ellis(_at_)cig(_dot_)mot(_dot_)com           |   the gallon and blow up every 
once in a while.