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Re: procmail 3.11pre5 changes

1997-04-04 13:19:00
Philip Guenther posted the HISTORY file's changes from 3.11pre5, including
these, which puzzle me:

|     - Don't strip trailing \n in a $MATCH

Hmm; I wonder if that will break anything when "$MATCH" or $MATCH is used
in an action line (or when $MATCH or $\MATCH is used in a regexp condition
with more of the expression to the right of the variable).

|     - Refuse to open directories for INCLUDERC files

Can anyone explain that?  What does it mean?  Why would a directory need to
be opened for an INCLUDERC file?

My interpretation (backed up by code inspection - procmail.c, line 430):
stat the file given as an INCLUDERC and, if it is a directory, don't honor
the INCLUDERC attempt

|     - Syslog failed -o attempts

Is "syslog" supposed to be a verb there?

Yes.  It is not uncommon to use "syslog" as a verb meaning "use the syslog
routine to log messages"; in fact, it seems natural to use it in that way.

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