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Using a recipe to get FROM (drawbacks)

1997-04-09 20:16:00
* ^From: *\/[^ ].*
{ FROM=$MATCH }           

The big problem I've found with this is that it doesn't work well with
multiple user agents that format the From: header differently.


robert(_at_)elastica(_dot_)com (Robert Nicholson)
Robert Nicholson <robert(_at_)elastica(_dot_)com>

are just two forms that I've seen from mail and pine

given that I'm actually matching on the contents of the from header
ideally I'd like something a little more reliable. In this case I want
only robert(_at_)elastica(_dot_)com and not bit that varies across user agents.

It doesn't look like procmail's regular expression handling will let me do 
this with a sophisticated regex naming combination so can formail
consistently rip out only the email address part of the header?

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