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Re: My growing list of bad domains

1997-04-16 12:27:00
Responding To:  The Doctor {Who?} <doctor(_at_)netcom(_dot_)com>
Original Date:  Tue, 15 Apr 1997 12:54:05 -0700 (PDT)

USA.Net (NetAddress) doesn't tollerate it's users spamming, and
WILL cancel such accts. if reported.

Yes, actually I have received a message from the sysadmin @  
and they have cancelled some accounts I've reported.

These domains are "sorted" not "trashed", so I do not lose the messages

I was not publishing those domains as a list others should block,  
just that I want to sort.

The process I use to filter is pretty complex, and this is just one  
piece.  It works fairly well, but it is pretty conservative.. I'd  
rather filter a message to a spam box than has a spam end up in my  


ps - the best way to fight spammers is to know who they are before  
they get to you, right?  This list has helped a lot, but it only  
works if you send them a copy of the spams that you get (so they can  
be forwarded to the entire list):

Send a message to 'Majordomo(_at_)hiss(_dot_)han(_dot_)de' with the BODY 

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