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Re: sendmail's procmail mailer and multiple recipients

1997-04-22 11:03:00
On Mon, 21 Apr 1997 22:10:13 -0500, Philip Guenther 
<guenther(_at_)gac(_dot_)edu> said:

The mailertable is usually the Right Place from which to invoke the
procmail mailer.

I guess I'm on the other side of usually.  I'll need to invoke it for
certain users in certain domains (email robots), not just for whole
domains.  I didn't spot a way to do this with the existing sendmail cf
setup, if anyone knows of one I'd appreciate hearing about it.

My current plan is to change the virtuser rules so that I can specify
the mailer there (see 
<news:pzohb7ufvr(_dot_)fsf(_at_)eeyore(_dot_)ibcinc(_dot_)com> for the

Roderick Schertler