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Re: Matching a host

1997-05-15 09:08:00
On Thu, 15 May 1997 10:29:33 -0400 (EDT),
Brock Rozen <brozen(_at_)webdreams(_dot_)com> wrote:
* ^TOwebmaster((@[^  ,]*\.)?webdreams\.com)?([,     ].*)?$
What is that for? I'm not too concerned about forgeries or somebody
trying to get around my filtering.

It wants the address to end here, so as not to match something like
"webdreams.commies.dammit.gag". It looks for either an end of line, or
a comma or whitespace character followed by anything. (I'm not too
happy about the whitespace either, really, but it realistically
shouldn't mismatch too often. Again, the problem is with comments in
addresses, which makes the [purely fictional :-] address
"webmaster(_at_)webdreams(_dot_)com (darn loonies if you ask me) .net" a valid
variant of "webmaster(_at_)webdreams(_dot_)com(_dot_)net". I think. Eli has 
tested this, I believe ;-)

To be very specific I'm looking for a regular expression that specifies
webmaster@"anything in here" -- with the "Anything in here"
being optional.

That's the intent of this one. 

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