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Re: Exponential E-x--p---a---n----s-----i------o-------n

1997-05-27 02:53:00
At 11:45 PM 5/24/97 -0700, Eric Hilding wrote:

Here's an idea to, well, ummm, perhaps "influence" those U.S. Congressmen

This is just terrorism of a type and helps nobody.  The whole point of the
likes of politicians having email addresses is that it helps the movement
towards more accesible and perhaps open Government - this hardly helps:).

In any case the whole spam thing could be an obsession look at this list.

ONE spam message hardly affects the bandwidth, the twenty or so replies
concerning it, have cluttered up my mailbox something shocking <grin>.

Console yourself with the fact that whoever posted that message, is now
filtered at an awfull lot of big systems and has mad a fairly gigantic faux
pas in posting to the mailing list of a program, that filters mail - ironic
or what??

Have Fun!
- Ian

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