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fowarding mail

1997-05-30 02:25:00

I have the following problem :

My incomming e-mail is treated by different mail servers which don't have the 
same software installed. My procmailrc script is executed on the mail treating 
server and one of the servers does not contain the binary i wan't to have 
executed by procmailrc. The mail treating server can only be determined by 
examening the $HOST environment variable, not from the e-mail's header 
contents. From the procmail man-pages i can't figure a way to create a recipe 
to check on environment variables values for forwarding mail. Does anyone have 
a sugestion ??? What i want is depending on the name of the server to forward 
the e-mail to another server or treat the e-mail by the procmailrc script.

                            Regards, Norbert Erkeland 

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