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It's getting worse

1997-06-05 09:46:00

Look folks, please forgive me if the word "preference" offended you.
In some forums, if you post a question, you get ten good answers and 
a hundred silly ones (I exaggerate).  So I just meant that if five
people wanted to help, I had to choose one somehow.

As for using the phone: it's kind of hard to use email to debug an
email handler.  :-)  Just I few minutes ago I got 

   mailtool is confused about the state of your 
   mail file.  Please exit mailtool and restart it.

At the time that happened, I had a very minimal .procmailrc, 
which contains:

MAILDIR=$HOME/Mail           #you'd better make sure it exists
LOGFILE=$MAILDIR/Log_File    #recommended

* ^From.*wwgrol

:0 c

:0 ic
| cd backup && rm -f dummy `ls -t msg.* | sed -e 1,32d`

# ____________________________________Trap info for the log
TRAP='formail -XTo: -XSubject: -XCc: -XFrom: -XDate:  \
-XReply-To:  -XReceived: -XX-Mailing -XTag: -XX-Loop: \
-XApparently- -XX-Envelope- -IResent-Bcc:           ; \
echo __________________________________________

# Anything not yet matched goes directly to mailtool (or whatever).

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