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Sorting out *this* list.

1997-06-05 09:41:00
I see that there is an "X-mailing-list:" header on this list, but
before I make my own recipe, I wanted to verify it with everyone
because I'm not good at regular expressions and I didn't wan't
parts of the line being interpreted as such.

Here is what I've planned to store incoming messages from this
list into the "PROCMAIL" folder.  Comments?

* ^X-mailing-list: \<procmail(_at_)informatik\(_dot_)rwth-aachen\(_dot_)de\>

My attempt is to escape characters that might be interpreted as
a regex.  Is my usage correct? Or is it redundant?  Any
comments/suggestions would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks.

Mike A. Harris        |   
Computer Consultant   |                  Coming soon: dynamic-IP-freedom...
My dynamic address:
Email: mharris at  <-- Spam proof address

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