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Re: Annoying massmailers.

1997-06-07 05:49:00
At 02:59 PM 6/6/97 -0600, ParaDox wrote:

I just got massmailed by someone mailing to this list, so I thought I'd
post my solution to massmailers who annoy the hell out of you.

Instead of just /dev/null'ing them, I do the following:

[snip - AND deal with the bounces if any]

I just sent an inquiry in response to the spam, using an account which has
a DNS MX record configured like so (more or less):

        nospam          A
                                MX      0

(if they reply to my inquiry, well, let's just say *I* won't be getting the

se la vie!

I'm switching to using the MX'd record for my usenet address (in place of
my "remove the leading character" approach - it'll be "remove nospam for
emailed replies").  Too many problems with procmail and absent envelope
information (procmail can't filter on the filtered address if the address
fails to appear in the header anywhere) - with this method, I don't need to
filter anything, as I won't even get the junk.

Yes, this does nothing for auto-replying to such list-spam, unless you use
a similar MX'd host to do your auto reply with.  No need to hand them a
useable address in the process of replying -- or to get mail directed to
your mail host at all.


 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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