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Re: Exclusive [garbage]

1997-06-11 04:55:00
On Tue, 10 Jun 1997 08:52:41 -0500,
in article <199706101352(_dot_)IAA26673(_at_)sparc02(_dot_)>, 
wwgrol(_at_)sparc01(_dot_)fw(_dot_)hac(_dot_)com (W. Wesley Groleau x4923) 

When a spammer uses the procmail list to hide his location,
is there any mechanism for retrieving the original header?

You can request a copy of the original message by sending an email
message to procmail-request(_at_)informatik(_dot_)rwth-aachen(_dot_)de(_dot_)  
In the subject
field, type "archive get latest/N", where N is the article number that
you will see at the end of the X-Mailing-List header in the message (as
it appeared on the list).  You need not put anything in the message

(I presume listowner already dealt with it, but I'm curious.)

I am not sure how the listowner handles these things, since,
apparently, this is not a subscriber-only mailing list.

Debra Walker            debraw(_at_)wwa(_dot_)com          
Chicago, IL             debra42(_at_)juno(_dot_)com        

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