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Re: Problems with FORMAIL

1997-06-16 17:25:00
Does anyone run/house their mail server on a machine that can only be
logged on by a few system administrator?  The way we have our system set
up here is to restrict access to certain machines via different default
shells.  For instance, .tcsh-faculty can log into more machines than
.tcsh-students.  As a system administrator, I have access to all machines
and have noticed formail working just fine on my account.  It does not
seem to work on a dummy student account I have setup.  I can run formail
fine from the command line to manipulate message, but not from procmail. 
I do not see any errors in the .procmail/log with verbose on, but files
are not created as they should be. 

All mail goes to one machine:  ex., but student
accounts can not log into this as we use the machine for mail & NIS+
authentication purpose ONLY.  I am thinking this is why I am having
problems.  Is there a way around this WITHOUT giving every student access
to the machine?  By the way, /var/mail is auto-mounted
on all machines giving everyone access to their INBOX. 

Any help would be greatly appreciated :-)

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