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Re: Comments?

1997-06-17 11:53:00
W. Wesley Groleau asked,

| Of course I'm going to test this :-) but any experts notice 
| a problem right away?  (My first try at "weighting")

Yes: you have a B flag without H on the recipe but one condition is clearly
intended to check the head.

| # Stuff that has too many red flag words in body
| :0 B
| * !^X-Loop: noloop(_at_)noloop(_dot_)nlp

  * H ?? !^X-Loop: noloop(_at_)noloop\(_dot_)nlp

| * -95^1  ^.*$
| * 100^1  money|success|opportunity|wealth

Generally I'd suggest word boundaries around them, but those strings are
unlikely to occur in any longer words that you'd want to excuse: you probably
do want to give demerits for "wealthy" and "successful" and "successes".

| {
|   :0c:
|   :0fhw  # double the head; second head is now part of body
|   | sed -e H -e '$ G'
|   :0fhw  # invert first head and slip in message after it (before second head)
|   | formail -rtA"X-Loop: noloop(_at_)noloop(_dot_)nlp" ; cat 
|   :0     # send it all out
|   ! -t
| }

Having written that part of the code, I'm not in a position to criticize it.

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