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Re: $= ? Has anyone actually used this successfully?

1997-06-18 09:32:00
At 10:14 AM 6/18/97 -0500, Kenneth P. Turvey wrote:
"era" == era eriksson <era(_at_)iki(_dot_)fi> writes:

   era> On 18 Jun 1997 04:20:04 -0500, 
   era> (Kenneth P. Turvey) wrote:
   >> $SCORE = $=
   era>    ^ If nothing else, you should not have a dollar sign here.
   era> (Too much Perl programming? ;^)

That $ on $SCORE wasn't actually in the .procmailrc file. (sorry,
definately too much perl).  I am still only getting a return value of
0.  I don't really understand it.

Perhaps the problem lies in the preceding recipe (which you didn't
post)?  Maybe you should post that, plus an email you think that
should get a non-zero score (but doesn't), preferably with
verbose logs from a test of feeding said mail through the two recipes.


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