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Re: Avoiding Autoresponse on re:

1997-07-10 09:53:00
At 10:47 AM 7/10/97 -0500, W. Wesley Groleau x4923 wrote:


The simple fix for this is for YOU to change the subject line before you
reply (of course, being human, sooner or later you'll forget).  You could
also have procmail change the subject line to "Here's the file you asked
for." Both actions together should prevent bogus downloads.

Yes, that's a good way to do it (I use this in my file retrieval scripts as

Another possibility is that you could use plussed addresses (these have
been discussed elsewhere - try msaroff+resume(_at_)pca(_dot_)net - I've 
carboned that
address on this message simply to act as a test for you (normally, I don't
carbon on list replies) - if you get this message on and off list, then
you'll know your mail system supports plussed addresses.

Now if it works on your host, when someone sends a request to your resume
plussed address, you can respond with a copy of your resume.  If it doesn't
work, I'll get a bounce.  The message can still be filed away, and if you
reply to it -- you'll be replying with YOUR REGULAR non-plussed address,
and any further replies on the matter will automatically be passed to your
non-plussed ("base") address -- bypassing the resume plussed filter.  This
keeps your manual replies from accidentally triggering a retrieval because
YOU don't have to remember to change the subject.

I'd combine this with the auto-reply actually changing the subject line (so
direct replies to that address don't trigger a re-send).  Any message sent
to the plussed address which doesn't conform to the request format would
send out a pre-formatted text message indicating the commands supported,
and indicate that if they wish to carry on conversation without receiving
such a message, that they should contact you at your standard address, not
the resume bot address -- however, you'll reply to this message just the same.

Or something like that.

 Please DO NOT carbon me on list replies.  I'll get my copy from the list.

 Sean B. Straw / Professional Software Engineering
 Post Box 2395 / San Rafael, CA  94912-2395

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