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Re: The procmail not return...

1997-07-16 08:43:00
"Antonio J. Diaz Chinea" <adiaz(_at_)ll(_dot_)iac(_dot_)es> writes:
i have a big problem, the procmail not return when finish the execution.
The log file say:

procmail: [14499] Wed Jul 16 12:24:13 1997
procmail: Assigning "AUXFILE=/home/adiaz/tmp/tmp.14499"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER= (formail -r -A"Precedence:junk"
-A"X-Loop: adiaz(_at_)ll(_dot_)iac(_dot_)es" ; \
  cat $HOME/.firma_init.txt ; \
  ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t"
procmail: Executing " (formail -r -A"Precedence:junk" -A"X-Loop:
adiaz(_at_)ll(_dot_)iac(_dot_)es" ; \
  cat $HOME/.firma_init.txt ; \
  ) | $SENDMAIL -oi -t"
procmail: Assigning "LASTFOLDER=Inboxx"
procmail: Opening "Inboxx"
procmail: Acquiring kernel-lock

and the sendmail and the procmail are locked:
198   /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q1h
 13365 /usr/lib/sendmail -bd -q1h
   13366 /usr/local/bin/procmail -f-
     13367 <defunct>

and it's necessary kill this process or it will lock the machine...

On occasion I have seen apparently orphaned kernel locks.  That is, the
file had a kernel lock on it, but we couldn't find a process holding
the lock.  In a NFS environment this get really tough to track down.

To solve it, we dotlocked the mailbox with lockfile, copied it to a new
file, removed the old and moved the copy in, then unlocked it.  The
kernel lock was on the old file, so the new one was clean.

        lockfile /var/mail/whomever.lock
        cp /var/mail/whomever $HOME/spool
        rm /var/mail/whomever
        mv $HOME/spool /var/mail/whomever
                (if doing this as root, chown and chmod /var/mail/whomever
                 to the correct owner/permissions)
        rm -f /var/mail/whomever.lock

Any procmail process that are hanging at that point should be killed
with SIGTERM (the default), so that the mail will be retried.

Philip Guenther

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